On Sat, Apr 7, 2012 at 3:16 AM, Willie Gillespie
<wgillespie+dove...@es2eng.com> wrote:
> On 4/6/2012 3:52 AM, Thomas von Eyben wrote:
>> Test results:
>> CLIENT-1 is having the problems when CLIENT-2 is using all the
>> (100Mbps) bandwidth eg. copying files to MAIL-SRV.
>> If I move CLIENT-1 to CLIENT-3 then almost all the delay is gone.
>> NB.: I have not (yet) tested if the problem also exists when CLIENT-2
>> generates traffic to MAIL-SRV as opposed to OTHER-SRV (but I am
>> expecting the same problems).
> So the link between your 100 Mbps switch and the 1 Gbps switch is saturated
> by CLIENT-2, so CLIENT-1 is just getting the leftovers?
> Since CLIENT-3 doesn't go through that 100 Mbps switch, it obviously doesn't
> see that issue.

Yes - that's my current "workaround" (perhaps also solution), I'm
wondering if the performance is really expected to be _so_ bad when
other users are utilizing the LAN.
(You seem to indicate that what I am observing is expected and is
"just" caused by [un-intended] semi-bad behavior from other users…)


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