On 23/04/2012 14:49, Timo Sirainen wrote:

A few announcements first:

I'm now going to start being more strict about not answering Dovecot questions 
sent to me privately (especially support requests, but also bug reports, 
feature requests, etc). Often those questions could be answered by other people 
in the mailing list as well, so they just waste my time. Even if you're sure 
that I'm the only person who can possibly answer it, it may be something that 
others are interested of as well and replying privately denies them the 
possibility of reading about it. If you really do not want to send something 
publicly, you still have an option for private communication: just buy one of 
the Dovecot support packages.

I'd just like to say thanks for the amount of time you put in not just developing the software, but supporting your userbase.

I am sure everyone here is well aware of when Timo signs in each day as a flood of replies to queries on the dovecot mailing list starts to arrive to our mailboxes.

It is very much appreciated, there are many OSS mailing-lists out there, but not many as vibrant as dovecots!

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