Am 09.05.2012 17:07, schrieb Bill Cole:
> On 9 May 2012, at 9:51, Markus Fritz wrote:
>> Am 09.05.2012 15:42, schrieb Bill Cole:
>>> On 9 May 2012, at 9:05, Markus Fritz wrote:
>>>> Hash: SHA1
>>>> Am 09.05.2012 14:32, schrieb Ken Stevenson:
>>>>>> I got only this keys. Can you explain me what exactly you mean with
>>>>>> adding chains?
>>>>>> And I wonder why this error only occurs in Thunderbird, not in
>>>>>> openssl.
>>>>> Never mind, I don't think my first guess was correct. I wonder if it
>>>> has to do with the error 27 reported in the verify by openssl.
>>>> According
>>>> to the manual, an error 27 means:
>>>>> "the root CA is not marked as trusted for the specified purpose."
>>>>> It looks like the certificate is valid cryptographically, but that it
>>>> wasn't certified for how you're using it.
>>>>> If I run:
>>>>> openssl x509 -in ssl.crt -noout -text
>>>>> The output includes the following:
>>>>> X509v3 Extended Key Usage:
>>>>> TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
>>>>> X509v3 Key Usage: critical
>>>>> Digital Signature, Key Encipherment
>>>>> Does yours look different?
>>>> Mine looks like this:
>>>> X509v3 Basic Constraints:
>>>>           CA:FALSE
>>> There's your problem.
>>> If you use a root CA in any X.509 trust chain (even one consisting of
>>> a single self-signed certificate) that declares itself to not be
>>> legitimate for use as a CA, you will have any signed certificates
>>> treated as bogus by any proper X.509v3 implementation. Most tools that
>>> create certificates do so with assumptions suited to the external CA
>>> model, and set options like the Basic Constraints extension flags that
>>> are not fit for a self-signed certificate.
>> Sorry for my stupid question, but how I can resolve this with a SartSSL
>> signed cert? There I am able to generate a WEB or MIME cert. Thanks for
>> help!
> I apologize: I misunderstood which certificate you were looking at
> with openssl.
> Having re-read the whole thread and after reading at the pastebin
> items you posted, I believe the problem you are having is a result of
> the fact that your certificate is not directly signed by the StartSSL
> root CA, but is "chained" with an intermediate certificate. This is a
> common situation, and it means that a client needs some way to get a
> copy of the intermediate certificate that was used to sign the server
> certificate. The normal way to do that is to put all of the
> certificates in the chain into the certificate file so that the server
> using that file sends them all to clients. This is documented at
> The intermediate certificate that you need can be retrieved from
> in DER format.
> You need to convert that to PEM format ('openssl x509 -inform DER <
>' will put out the certificate in PEM form)
> and add it to your certificate file (based on your pastebin:
> /etc/ssl/opsys/startssl/ssl.crt). You may also want to add the actual
> StartSSL root certificate as well, but that is unlikely to be necessary.
> A failure of a certificate to verify in some clients and not others or
> for some users and not others is usually do to a server not including
> intermediate CA certificates. Some clients and users may have a store
> of certificates that includes a widely-used intermediate CA cert
> provide by some other server in the past, so they will be able to
> verify the chain, while others won't have the cert and may have no
> persistent cert store.
Thanks! That might help, yes I got the file.
How I include this to my ssl.crt file now? This cert terms are so
confusing and I recognize that I am still standing at the beginning. But
it's really interesting.
Thanks for help!

Markus Fritz

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