Timo & List,

Just by way of a follow-up, running tests on a 1.0 installation of Dovecot 
confirms it.

Sure enough, I was still configuring my mail stores based on my outdated 
understanding and hadn't fully appreciated changes to what dovecot-shared files 
affect in recent versions.

Thanks all,

On 27 Jun 2012, at 11:01, J E Lyon wrote:

> On 26 Jun 2012, at 21:49, Timo Sirainen wrote:
>> So you don't want shared seen flags? You can simply not create 
>> dovecot-shared file nowadays. It's not necessary. The only other purpose for 
>> it was as the template for file permissions, but those are nowadays taken 
>> from the maildir itself: http://wiki2.dovecot.org/SharedMailboxes/Permissions
> Timo,
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction . .
> I started with Dovecot back in the pre-v1 days and used dovecot-shared from 
> when it first helped with permissions and things -- never actually minded 
> about seen flags back then.
> So, I've always thought of dovecot-shared as being primarily about making the 
> permissions work, and hadn't realised things have been steadily changing in 
> that regard.
> So, I now have Dovecot on both CentOS 5.5 & CentOS 6, which means v1 & v2 . . 
> unfortunately though, the CentOS 5.5 default package is 1.0.x and that means 
> I miss out on 1.1+ features there, as well as the improved handling of file 
> permissions in 1.2 that I now see after scrutinising the differences . .
> At least I know exactly where the problems are now, thanks!
> ~ James.

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