On 2012-06-28 4:22 PM, Alex Crow <ac...@integrafin.co.uk> wrote:
On 28/06/12 20:28, Charles Marcus wrote:
On 2012-06-28 2:04 PM, Gary Mort <garyam...@gmail.com> wrote:
That's probably due to the different structures they use.   sdbox
can safely use either because each email message has a unique
filename, and if it exists in both places it doesn't matter.

Eh?? Sdbox is like mbox - one file per mailbox/folder... it is NOT
like maildir (one email = one file).

Not according to the wiki:


    dbox can be used in two ways:

         single-dbox (sdbox in mail location): One message per file,
    similar to Maildir. For backwards compatibility, dbox is an alias to
    sdbox in mail_location.

Now how  the heck did I remember that so wrong??

Oh well, thanks for the correction...

Sorry, OP...


Best regards,


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