Il 29/06/2012 09:45, Timo Sirainen ha scritto:
On 29.6.2012, at 10.39, Mailing List SVR wrote:

Il 29/06/2012 09:19, Timo Sirainen ha scritto:
On 29.6.2012, at 9.35, Mailing List SVR wrote:

I have some out of memory errors in my logs (file errors.txt attached)
How large is your auth process's VSZ when it starts up and has handled a couple 
of logins? It's possible that it's not leaking at all, you're just not giving 
enough memory for its normal operation. Some Linux distros nowadays build 
binaries that eat up a lot of VSZ immediately when they start up.

ps aux report this:

dovecot   7454  0.0  0.0  85980  3776 ?        S    09:36   0:00 dovecot/auth

before restarting dovecot the auth process was running since about 1 hour and 
this is the output from ps aux

dovecot  25002  0.0  0.0  86112  3780 ?        S    08:24   0:00 dovecot/auth
So you have 44 MB of VSZ available after startup. You also have 10 MB of auth 
cache, which could in reality take somewhat more than 10 MB. It doesn't leave a 
whole lot available for regular use. I'd increase the auth process's VSZ limit 
and see if it still crashes.

I increased the limit to 192MB or should I set the limit to 256MB or more? I'll wait some days to see if still crash

If you want to, you could also test with valgrind if there's a leak:

service auth {
   executable = /usr/bin/valgrind --leak-check=full -q /usr/libexec/dovecot/auth

You'd then need to restart the auth process to make valgrind output the leaks.

for now I prefer to avoid valgrind on a production server if the crash persist with the new limit I'll setup a test environment and I'll run valgrind there,


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