On Sat, Jun 30, 2012 at 4:52 AM, Charles Marcus
<cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
> On 2012-06-29 5:41 PM, Zac Israel <zac.isr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The system at is a zimbra proxy.  I can see in the logs
>> that it initially complains about my ssl cert, and if I remove
>> ssl=any-cert it fails because my cert is self signed, so I know it is
>> talking to the proxy and doing starttls which is a requirement of
>> zimbra.  Unfortunately I have not found a way to see the full exchange
>> between dovecot and my zimbra proxy other than tcp dump, which just
>> shows a small packet exchange.
> And unfortunately you failed to provide critical evidence - in this case the
> actual logs (and the tcpdump since you already have it) of a failed session,
> rather than your interpretation of it. But at least you provided your config
> (Timo is so good that often that is enough by itself, but even his crystal
> ball sometimes has problems).
> I have found over the years that if you are having a problem to the point
> that you need to ask for help, it is time to step back and take a fresh look
> at *everything* - including having other eyes looking at *all* of the
> evidence.
> --
> Best regards,
> Charles

Very sorry for the omission, please find the dovecot logs and tcpdump
session attached.  Please let me know if I can provide any other
information and thank you again for your time.

Jun 29 17:00:57 imap-test dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.0.19 starting up (core 
dumps disabled)
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: Loading modules from directory: 
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: auth client connected 
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x10, ret=1: 
before/accept initialization []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: before/accept initialization []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read client hello A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write server hello A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write certificate A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write key exchange A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write server done A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 flush data []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read client key exchange A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read finished A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write session ticket A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write finished A []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 flush data []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x20, ret=1: 
SSL negotiation finished successfully []
Jun 29 17:00:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x2002, 
ret=1: SSL negotiation finished successfully []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN 
service=imap  secured lip= rip= lport=143 rport=49940 
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: 
static(zac.isr...@domain.com, lookup
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: 
static(zac.isr...@domain.com, Allowing any password
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: auth: Debug: client out: OK  1 
user=zac.isr...@domain.com  proxy host=  port=143  proxy_timeout=5 
starttls=y  ssl=any-cert  pass=<hidden>
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x10, ret=1: 
before/connect initialization []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: before/connect initialization []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: unknown state []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1002, 
ret=-1: unknown state []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read server hello A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Invalid certificate: self signed 
certificate in certificate chain: 
/C=US/ST=State/L=City/O=COMPANY/OU=IT/CN=COMPANY CA/emailAddress=i...@domain.com
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Invalid certificate: unsupported 
certificate purpose: /C=US/ST=State/L=City/O=COMPANY/OU=IT/CN=COMPANY 
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Invalid certificate: unable to 
get certificate CRL: 
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Invalid certificate: unable to 
get certificate CRL: /C=US/ST=State/L=City/O=COMPANY/OU=IT/CN=COMPANY 
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Valid certificate: 
/C=US/ST=State/L=City/O=COMPANY/OU=IT/CN=COMPANY CA/emailAddress=i...@domain.com
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Valid certificate: 
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read server certificate A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read server key exchange A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read server done A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write client key exchange A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write change cipher spec A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 write finished A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 flush data []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1002, 
ret=-1: SSLv3 read server session ticket A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1002, 
ret=-1: SSLv3 read server session ticket A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read server session ticket A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1001, 
ret=1: SSLv3 read finished A []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x20, ret=1: 
SSL negotiation finished successfully []
Jun 29 17:01:10 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL: where=0x1002, 
ret=1: SSL negotiation finished successfully []
Jun 29 17:01:44 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL alert: 
where=0x4008, ret=256: warning close notify []
Jun 29 17:03:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected: Inactivity (auth 
failed, 1 attempts): user=<zac.isr...@domain.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=, 
lip=, TLS: Disconnected
Jun 29 17:03:58 imap-test dovecot: imap-login: Warning: SSL alert: 
where=0x4008, ret=256: warning close notify []
root@imap-test:~# tcpdump -n -i eth0 host
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
09:36:00.886811 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 28
09:36:00.888071 ARP, Reply is-at 00:50:56:b5:81:76, length 46
09:36:00.888088 IP > Flags [S], seq 
2509538212, win 14600, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 41913867 ecr 
0,nop,wscale 2], length 0
09:36:00.888456 IP > Flags [S.], seq 
703703456, ack 2509538213, win 14480, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 
3304080992 ecr 41913867,nop,wscale 7], length 0
09:36:00.888493 IP > Flags [.], ack 1, win 
3650, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913867 ecr 3304080992], length 0
09:36:00.889084 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:19, 
ack 1, win 114, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304080993 ecr 41913867], length 18
09:36:00.889107 IP > Flags [.], ack 19, win 
3650, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913867 ecr 3304080993], length 0
09:36:00.889372 IP > Flags [P.], seq 1:13, 
ack 19, win 3650, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913867 ecr 3304080993], length 12
09:36:00.889716 IP > Flags [.], ack 13, win 
114, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304080993 ecr 41913867], length 0
09:36:00.889805 IP > Flags [P.], seq 19:35, 
ack 13, win 114, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304080993 ecr 41913867], length 16
09:36:00.890583 IP > Flags [P.], seq 13:239, 
ack 35, win 3650, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913868 ecr 3304080993], length 226
09:36:00.896904 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
35:2546, ack 239, win 122, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304081000 ecr 41913868], 
length 2511
09:36:00.896929 IP > Flags [.], ack 2546, 
win 4374, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913869 ecr 3304081000], length 0
09:36:00.902988 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
239:437, ack 2546, win 4374, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913871 ecr 3304081000], 
length 198
09:36:00.907031 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
2546:2780, ack 437, win 130, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304081011 ecr 41913871], 
length 234
09:36:00.908024 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
437:554, ack 2780, win 5098, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913872 ecr 3304081011], 
length 117
09:36:00.908429 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
2780:3089, ack 554, win 130, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304081012 ecr 41913872], 
length 309
09:36:00.946464 IP > Flags [.], ack 3089, 
win 5822, options [nop,nop,TS val 41913882 ecr 3304081012], length 0
09:38:45.491173 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
554:591, ack 3089, win 5822, options [nop,nop,TS val 41955018 ecr 3304081012], 
length 37
09:38:45.491251 IP > Flags [F.], seq 591, 
ack 3089, win 5822, options [nop,nop,TS val 41955018 ecr 3304081012], length 0
09:38:45.494136 IP > Flags [P.], seq 
3089:3174, ack 592, win 130, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304245600 ecr 41955018], 
length 85
09:38:45.494169 IP > Flags [R], seq 
2509538804, win 0, length 0
09:38:45.494176 IP > Flags [F.], seq 3174, 
ack 592, win 130, options [nop,nop,TS val 3304245600 ecr 41955018], length 0
09:38:45.494221 IP > Flags [R], seq 
2509538804, win 0, length 0
09:38:50.493026 ARP, Request who-has tell, length 46
09:38:50.493057 ARP, Reply is-at 00:50:56:b5:81:b0, length 28

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