We have the requirement to provide SSL on some IP addresses, but not others on 
our servers.

Providing SSL is the easy part and we're able to use multiple SSL certificates 
now.  (thanks Timo!)

All is working ok, but we several IP hosts that do not require SSL and do not 
have valid certificates.

While we can limit access via a firewall ACL to TLS connect ports (993/995) we 
can't do so on port 110/143.  The problem is that some clients now are smart 
enough to look for an offered STARTTLS or STLS, and if it's offered, they try 
to use it.  While not normally a problem if your setup for SSL with valid 
key/certs, if you have a self signed or no CERT at all, it starts connection 
warnings and errors on the client side.

So is there any way possible to turn off advertising of TLS on port or turn it 
off/on per IP?

Something like:

ssl = yes
ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/cert/default.pem
ssl_key  = </etc/ssl/cert/default.pem

local {
  protocol imap {
     ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
     ssl_key  = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
   protocol pop3 {
     ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
     ssl_key  = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem

local {
  ssl = no


ssl = no

local {
  ssl = yes
  protocol imap {
     ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
     ssl_key  = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
   protocol pop3 {
     ssl_cert = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem
     ssl_key  = </etc/ssl/cert/site1.pem

Robert Blayzor

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