From: Rups2603 <>

          I planning to migrate my Mail server by IRedmail automatic
configuration shell script,but my some of Users using pine as Mail user
agent.(First They login to Mailserver using SSH with own User Name &
Password  which is same as mail UserID & PASSWORD & then they do Pine).

         In IRedmail Their is single mail management user vmail,so How I
will change dovecot setting in IRedmail so it will fit in my setup

From your brief description, you're going from a virtual user setup to
a real user setup, with perhaps direct file access to boot (otherwise,
you don't need users to be able to log in to the mail server), in which
case, IMAP/POP may be irrelevant.

I don't think anybody can give you any concrete idea of how to change
your dovecot setup without a lot more information.  It appears to me
you'll have to do a clean re-do of your dovecot setup, using your old
configuration as a reference.

Joseph Tam <>

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