On 26.7.2012, at 16.58, Nicolás wrote:

> I'm writing because of an issue I'm having with my Postfix-Dovecot 
> installation. Everything's working fine but when an IMAP client is idle for 
> some time, Dovecot automatically logs it out.
> Jul 26 14:01:16 mail dovecot: imap(nico...@devels.es): Disconnected: Logged 
> out bytes=1271/7439

IMAP client logs out. Dovecot doesn't automatically do anything. There's no way 
(even theoretically) to prevent this from Dovecot's side.

> This entails errors when trying to send e-mails after this auto logout, such 
> as:
> host devels.es[] said:
>    550-Please turn on SMTP Authentication in your mail client, or login to the
>    550-IMAP/POP3 server before sending your message.

Your server supports pop3/imap-before-smtp kludge. I'd remove that entirely and 
require SMTP AUTH always.

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