Thanks Robert. That's what I thought. I couldn't make the connection. Will try the Postfix list!

On 24/08/12 12:06, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Am 24.08.2012 12:53, schrieb Tim Smith:

I didn't know where to post this one so I'll start off with you guys and
then try Postfix if I'm barking up the wrong tree!

Having set up my mail server (Dovecot/Postfix), users are experiencing
long delays (a couple of minutes) when sending mail from mail client
such as Thunderbird - this increases with attachments. Having had a
brief discussion with someone, they mentioned that the reason that this
may be to do with the size of the mailbox. I couldn't see the rationale
behind this unless Dovecot is syncing the mailbox after every sent mail
(due to possibly saving the sent item?) The mail is being delivered
successfully but the amount of time it is taking to complete the action
is far too long!

Sorry this is a bit vague but any advice on trying to diagnose the
problem would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

sending mail ist usual smtp ( postfix ), not dovecot
if no firewalls/proxies , slow lines , dns problems are involved, there
may exist some policy or milter service which slows down smtp out from
i.e tb, ask same question with logs and config in the postfix mail list
size of mailbox should be not involved in this

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