On 17.9.2012, at 10.09, Alessio Cecchi wrote:

> I would like to enable mailbox sharing for my users. I'm using dovecot 2.1.9 
> with vpopmail authentication. For security reason shared mailboxes should be 
> available only for users of the same domain.
> Dovecot's wiki suggest to enable acl like this:
> plugin {
>  # assumes mailboxes are in /var/mail/%d/%n:
>  acl_shared_dict = file:/var/mail/%d/shared-mailboxes.db
> }
> but in vpopmail, and also in many others configuration, mailboxes are, for 
> example, in /var/mail/nas1/%d, /var/mail/nas2/%d and so on, so it's difficult 
> to restrict shared mailboxes available only for the same domain. A trick 
> could be set acl_shared_dict to /var/mail/%d-shared-mailboxes.db, but I don't 
> know if it's safe on an NFS environment.

As long as all the servers have access to the file it doesn't matter where it 
is. You could even do something like /var/mail/nas1/shared-dict/%d.db

> So, why don't provide a way to restrict shared mailboxes also for dict in SQL?
> One way could be to add to "user_shares" table a column "domains" which is 
> the same domain of the mailbox'owner and a config option, for acl, like 
> acl_only_for_same_domain =yes/no so dovecot can add a "WHERE %n = domain"  
> for the SELECT.

If you don't include %d as part of the shared namespace prefix you already 
restrict the users sharing within same domain, no need for extra SQL WHEREs.

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