El 18/09/12 18:31, Timo Sirainen escribió:
On 18.9.2012, at 9.59, Angel L. Mateo wrote:

        So I'm running this command. Whenever I run it, I get the message that 
3 (sometimes, is 4) entries are removed, but user information isn't really 
reloaded and I doubt it is really removed from cache (I have the user in a 
passwd-file and information used by imap processes is still the old one, no the 
new one, changed before the flush)

Works in my tests.

        Is this cache the same than the user information cache?


        The parameter of the user I want to change is his quota, so I have 
modified quota value in my ldap diretory, then I run:

doveadm auth cache flush <myuser>

What is your doveconf -n output and the dovecot-ldap.conf contents? Is <myuser> 
with or without @domain? Also try this:

doveadm auth cache flush foo # make sure it isn't there
doveadm user foo
doveadm auth cache flush foo

Does the second flush return 1 or 0 entries? If 0, then there's a problem. If 
1, then it really should have worked.

You could try also if disabling userdb prefetch makes any difference. And if 
you still have multiple userdb try with only one.

I have made the test in my test server (it has no real activity). In this server, user entry is refreshed correctly. But the same test in my production servers fails.

I have checked (in the production one) that the second flush delete entries (in fact, 2, not 1):

amateo_adm@myotis31:/etc/dovecot/conf.d$ sudo doveadm auth cache flush angel.luis
2 cache entries flushed
amateo_adm@myotis31:/etc/dovecot/conf.d$ sudo doveadm user angel.luis
userdb: angel.luis
  home      : /home/alumnos/46/113246
  uid       : 113246
  gid       : 1001
  quota_rule: *:storage=400M
amateo_adm@myotis31:/etc/dovecot/conf.d$ sudo doveadm auth cache flush angel.luis
2 cache entries flushed
amateo_adm@myotis31:/etc/dovecot/conf.d$ sudo doveadm user angel.luis
userdb: angel.luis
  home      : /home/alumnos/46/113246
  uid       : 113246
  gid       : 1001
  quota_rule: *:storage=400M

        but quota information is not reloaded from ldap server.

I have also checked my ldap server, and dovecot is not performing any search operation for the user after flushing him from the cache.

        I have attached my doveconf -n. In my ldap configuration I have:
user_attrs = irisMailbox=mail,homeDirectory=home,uidNumber=uid,gidNumber=gid,quota=quota_rule pass_attrs = irisMailbox=userdb_mail,userPassword=password,homeDirectory=userdb_home,uidNumber=userdb_uid,gidNumber=userdb_gid,quota=userdb_quota_rule

and I have check that my test and production server has the same configuration (but client_limit and number of processes).

        Any idea?

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