Am 18.09.2012 20:52, schrieb Timo Sirainen:

Hi Timo, i see a few rare errors with lucene and/or indexer
since update

/lucene-indexes: IndexWriter() failed (#1): Lock obtain timed out
lucene-indexes) failed: Directory not empty

Error: unlink_directory(/usr/local/virtual/.../.../lucene-indexes)
failed: Directory not empty

lucene-indexes: IndexReader::open() failed (#1): File does not exist

Sep 19 14:46:19 mail01 dovecot: indexer-worker: Error: pure virtual
method called
Sep 19 14:46:19 mail01 dovecot: indexer-worker: Error: terminate called
without an active exception

Error: indexer failed to index mailbox INBOX

should i care
Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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