Am 19.09.2012 16:25, schrieb Jost Krieger:
> On Wed 19 Sep 2012 04:03:45 PM GMT, Robert Schetterer wrote:
>> as ever ,this is different in different places
>> specially Quarantine is wide used
> Of course, it's often useful.
>> there is no good or evil to this case, its a design question which may
>> change in different places,, the abuse case might be acceptable, as the
>> Junk folder i.e is imap special used autoconfigured
>> and has auto empty feature, i give 50 mb plus quota on Junk folder
>> and delete mail older then 3 month there
> The abuse may be tolerable, but I just don't get how your +50M works.

the situation isnt really comparable, the plus is more configured
for copy by human to i.e Junk folder, or i.e a client filter does this auto

it makes most sense with trash, so user should mostly able to copy to
trash, even if they have got full quota, this should avoid some errors
in clients
quota_rule = *:storage=1G
quota_rule2 = Trash:storage=+100M
quota_rule3 = SPAM:ignore

> For me it would mean that someone with a large Junk folder just wouldn't
> get an more mail except something delivered straight to Junk. And if you
> don't deliver to Junk but the clients move stuff there,

with auto loosing mail after some time in my setup
which is the anounced policy, Trash and Junk are "autodeleted" folders
no mail there ,rests forever *g

 there's still a
> problem. I'm justing raising the limit for folders that clients use for
> deleting (like Trash or whatever it is called).

as i said its a design question, your policy is ok too

no flame ,having your idea as alternative is always fine to have

> Yours
> Jost Krieger

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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