On 09/19/2012 02:42 PM, Timo Sirainen wrote:
> mUTF7 uses the & character for encoding non-ASCII data. The & character is 
> encoded in mUTF7 as "&-". Dovecot nowadays uses UTF8 internally for all 
> mailbox names, and it's simply not possible to create from UTF8 string a 
> valid mUTF7 string that contains & alone.

I'm confused. I have no problems with creating and using a folder with
utf8 name containing '&' character. So, what problem do you describe?
doveadm is working with utf8 right? So, why it can't delete such folder.

Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
LAN Management System Developer [http://lms.org.pl]
Roundcube Webmail Developer  [http://roundcube.net]
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