On 4.10.2012, at 17.41, l...@airstreamcomm.net wrote:

>> protocol lmtp {
>>   userdb {
>>     ..
>>   }
>> }
>> protocol !lmtp {
>>   userdb {
>>     ..
>>   }
>> }
> Forgot to mention I am running 2.0.17.

The above works in v2.1.

> And I am getting the following error:
>   auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in configuration file. PLAIN
>   mechanism needs one
> From a previous post it appears that Dovecot cannot run without a global 
> lookups specified:
>   http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2012-March/064407.html
> Per the suggestion in the old post I created an empty passwdfile and included 
> it in the auth-passwdfile which seems to have alleviated the issue, however 
> this seems like a sub-optimal solution.  Is this still the case, or is there 
> a way to tell Dovecot that there is no global lookups?

The !lmtp version avoids that fatal problem. So the solution is: upgrade.

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