On 11.10.2012, at 9.43, dove...@freakout.de wrote:

> Core was generated by `/opt/dovecot/sbin/dovecot'.


> #0  0xb7f95fe4 in str_to_time () from /opt/mysql/lib/libmysqlclient.so.18
> #1  0xb7f131c0 in master_instance_list_add_line (list=0x9d48880, 
> line=0x9d540c8 "1349762052\tdovecot\t/var/dovecot/run\t")
>    at master-instance.c:85

Dovecot code is calling str_to_time() from libmysqlclient, instead of from 
Dovecot's internal code. Not the first time mysql conflicted with Dovecot code. 
This could be worked around, but .. why is your dovecot binary linked with 
libmysqlclient? Only auth and dict binaries should be.

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