This has nothing to do with dovecot or with any server.
Thunderbird tries to guess settings such as your IMAP and SMTP server addresses, ports, TLS, authentication scheme, etc. Sometimes none of the guess attempts matches your settings. That's not an actual problem. Just enter the settings manually.

If your priority is to make Thunderbird quickly and automatically configure your email accounts, read here

Note that this is Thunderbird-specific, Microsoft Outlook, Blackberry etc. each have their own autoconfiguration schemes.

On 10/12/2012 01:09 PM, Justin Vore wrote:

I have installed sendmail, dovecot, and squirrel mail. The squirrel mail portion of it works just fine, but I would like to have Mozilla Thunderbird as a client. Whenever I try and connect to the server it says "Thunderbird failed to find the settings for your email account." We do have an MX record in DNS pointing to our server. We are using Ubuntu, and have Dovecot 2.2.6 sendmail version 8.14.4-2ubuntu2 We are doing this for a class project and it is due by Tuesday 10/16/2012..



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