I've been using uw-imap for some time on my linux system and have been running into issues with it so I've decided to move to Dovecote, so far it seems to have solved the issues I've been having however I need/want to move the incoming emails out of /var/spool/mail/{user} in the same (or similar fashion) that uw-imap did, and I found the snarf plugin.

However whenever I enable the snarf plugin using the example on the wiki page my email is not loaded and when I remove my configuration for snarf my email re-appears. Based upon what I can tell the snarf plugin is either not loading (but I see it listed in the logs) or simply not working (which is probably because its not configured properly).

The system is Fedora 16 (x86_64), the MTA is Exim, and Dovecot is 2.0.21 (version supplied with Fedora). I know I'm making a newbie mistake.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thanks, Jeff

dovecot -n provides the following:

[root@xyzzy conf.d]# more /tmp/dovecot.changes
# 2.0.21: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 3.4.11-1.fc16.x86_64 x86_64 Fedora release 16 (Verne)
mail_debug = yes
mail_location = mbox:~/mail:INBOX=~/mbox
mail_plugins = " zlib"
mbox_write_locks = fcntl
namespace default {
  inbox = yes
  location =
  prefix =
  separator = /
namespace snarf {
  hidden = yes
  list = no
  location = mbox:/run/dovecot/empty:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u
  prefix = /snarf
  separator = /
passdb {
  driver = pam
plugin {
mail_log_events = delete undelete expunge copy mailbox_delete mailbox_rename
  snarf = = /snarf/INBOX
service imap-login {
  inet_listener imap {
    address = localhost
service pop3-login {
  inet_listener pop3 {
    address = localhost
ssl_cert = </etc/pki/tls/certs/XYZZY.pem
ssl_key = </etc/pki/tls/certs/XYZZY.pem
userdb {
  driver = passwd
protocol imap {
  mail_plugins = " zlib imap_zlib snarf"

and the logs (in debug) show the following:

Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<jeff>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=19627, TLS Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib05_snarf_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib20_zlib_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib30_imap_zlib_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Effective uid=500, gid=500, home=/home/jeff Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Namespace default: type=private, prefix=, sep=/, inbox=yes, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes location=mbox:~/mail:INBOX=~/mbox Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: fs: root=/home/jeff/mail, index=, control=, inbox=/home/jeff/mbox, alt= Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Namespace snarf: type=private, prefix=/snarf, sep=/, inbox=no, hidden=yes, list=no, subscriptions=yes location=mbox:/run/dovecot/empty:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/jeff Oct 20 21:29:45 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: fs: root=/run/dovecot/empty, index=, control=, inbox=/var/spool/mail/jeff, alt= Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<jeff>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=19629, TLS Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib05_snarf_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib20_zlib_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap: Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/lib30_imap_zlib_plugin.so Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Effective uid=500, gid=500, home=/home/jeff Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Namespace default: type=private, prefix=, sep=/, inbox=yes, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes location=mbox:~/mail:INBOX=~/mbox Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: fs: root=/home/jeff/mail, index=, control=, inbox=/home/jeff/mbox, alt= Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: Namespace snarf: type=private, prefix=/snarf, sep=/, inbox=no, hidden=yes, list=no, subscriptions=yes location=mbox:/run/dovecot/empty:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/jeff Oct 20 21:29:46 xyzzy dovecot: imap(jeff): Debug: fs: root=/run/dovecot/empty, index=, control=, inbox=/var/spool/mail/jeff, alt=

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