On 10/24/2012 1:37 PM, Robert Schetterer wrote:
Am 24.10.2012 18:28, schrieb Bill Shirley:
I don't understand why you strongly recommend against using the
mailbox_command.  Is there a security risk here?
no ,until you dont have made any setup failures...

your right there are tons of working possible setups
your free to configure as you like, but lmtp with dovecot is state of
the art in my eyes, these days

in my tests lda combined with spamc had not enough
performance for my needs and used to much resources compared to lmtp
sometimes it crashed, but as i said ,long time ago

however i found total virtual setups much more easy then with local
by permissions stuff etc, and milters are much more easy to use and
setup, also i.e amavis gives great other choices beside spamassassin stuff

but do as you like ,no need to flame

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

I don't see a flame anywhere in my posts. The list is for respectfully exchanging information. I thought that was what we were doing.


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