At  1AM -0500 on 26/10/12 you (Stan Hoeppner) wrote:
> On 10/25/2012 10:54 PM, Ben Morrow wrote:
> > 
> > dovecot-lda runs in its own process, and does not involve the
> > imap process in any way. As such it has to do locking.
> You apparently know your tools better than I do.  Neither ps nor top
> show a 'dovecot-lda' or similarly named process on my systems.  When I
> send a test message from gmail through Postfix I only see CPU or memory
> activity in an imap process.  When I close the MUA to end the imap
> processes and then send a test message I don't see any CPU or memory
> activity in any dovecot processes, only Postfix processes, including
> local, and spamd.  So is devecot-lda running as a sub-process or thread
> of Postfix' local process?  Or is it part of the 'dovecot' process, and
> the message goes through so quick that top doesn't show any CPU usage by
> the 'dovecot' process?

Assuming you have 

    mailbox_command = /.../dovecot-lda -a "${RECIPIENT}"
or something equivalent in your Postfix configuration, dovecot-lda runs
as a subprocess of local(8) under the uid of the delivered-to user.

> > If I have the following in my dovecot.conf:
> ...
> <snipped for readability>
> ...
> > I'm not sure what you mean by 'processes of [one's own] program' but
> I.e. Dovecot has its own set of processes, Postfix has its processes,
> etc.  With "one's one processes" I'd think it makes more sense to use
> IPC and other tricks to accomplish concurrent access to a file rather
> than filesystem locking features.

Filesystem locking, at least if NFS is not involved, is not that
expensive. Successfully acquiring a flock or fcntl lock takes only a
single syscall which doesn't have to touch the disk, and any form of IPC
is going to need to do that. (Even something like a shared memory region
will need a mutex for synchronisation, and acquiring the mutex has to go
through the kernel.)

Dotlocking *is* expensive, because acquiring a dotlock is a complicated
process requiring lots of syscalls, some of which have to write to disk;
and any scheme involving acquiring several locks on the same file is
going to be more so, especially if you can end up getting the first lock
but finding you can't get the second, so then you have to undo the first
and try again.

More importantly, the biggest problem with mbox as a mailbox format is
that any access at all has to lock the whole mailbox. If the LDA is
trying to deliver a new message at the same time as an IMAP user is
fetching a completely different message, or if two instances of the LDA
are trying to deliver at the same time, they will be competing for the
same lock even though they don't really need to be. A file-per-message
format like Maildir avoids this, to the point of being mostly lockless,
but that brings its own efficiency problems; the point of dbox is to
find the compromise between these positions that works best.

> > it's extremely common for a process to have to take locks against
> > another copy of itself. All traditional Unix LDAs and MUAs do this; for
> > instance, procmail will take locks in part so that if another instance
> > of procmail is delivering another mail to the same user at the same time
> > the mbox won't end up corrupted.
> I guess I've given MDAs w/mbox too much credit, without actually looking
> at the guts.

I wouldn't look too hard at the details of the various ways there are of
locking and parsing mbox files, or the ways in which they can go wrong.
It's enough to make anyone swear off email for life :).

> Scalable databases such Oracle, db2, etc, are far more
> intelligent about this, and can have many thousands of processes reading
> and writing the same file concurrently, usually via O_DIRECT, not
> buffered IO, so they have complete control over IO.  This is
> accomplished with a record lock manager and IPC, preventing more than
> one process from accessing one record concurrently, but allowing massive
> read/write concurrency to multiple records in a file.  I'd think the
> same concurrency optimization could be done with Dovecot.
> However, as Timo has pointed out, so few people use mbox these days that
> he simply hasn't spent much, if any, time optimizing mbox.  Implementing
> some kind of lock manager and client code just for mbox IO concurrency
> simply wouldn't be worth the time.  Unless he's already done something
> similar with mdbox.  If he has, maybe that could be 'ported' to mbox as
> well.  But again, it's probably not worth the effort given the number of
> mbox users, and the fact that nobody is complaining about mbox
> performance.  I'm certainly not.  It works great here.

The only reason for using mbox is for compatibility with other systems
which use mbox, which means you have to do the locking the same way as
they do (assuming you can work out what that is). If you're going to
change the locking rules you might as well change the file format at the
same time, both to remove the insanity and to make it actually suitable
for use as an IMAP mailstore. That's what Timo did with dbox, so if
you've got your systems to the point where nothing but Dovecot touches
the mail files you should seriously consider switching.


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