At  6AM +0100 on  6/11/12 you (Massimiliano Cianelli) wrote:
> Hi,
>  My setup:
> Dovecot 2 latest, installed to replace courrier IMAP, and off course
> configured with the dot separator and all folder under INBOX.*.
> The problem:
> My phone was driving me mad during the test, due that it will only
> recognize Inbox.
> How found the solution:
> I've started sniffing IMAP traffic on my server and ended up with one
> difference:
> On courier it ask for namespace, on dovecot it won't.
>  I gives a better look, and noticed that courier show namespace
>  capability on prelogin banner, adding it too solved the problem.
> Reason:
> Android ICS stock client seems do not honor the capability gived after
> the login.

See ;
you need to set imap_capability and/or get your client fixed.


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