
We use Dovecot for IMAP and POP (but not LDA), we want to do something when a 
user has an INBOX that becomes empty, or becomes not empty (set a flag in 
memcached, but that's not really important).  

I'm writing a plugin (for Dovecot 2.1.7).  On mailbox_open() I can use 
mailbox_get_status() to get a count of messages in the mailbox, and then 
decrement this in expunge() or increment it in mailbox save_finish() (for IMAP 
APPEND or COPY commands).

However in expunge() and mailbox_save_finish, even after calling the super 
function, mailbox_get_status doesn't update the number of messages in the 

This is a problem if (for example) there are concurrent POP sessions.  Two POP 
sessions could get all the messages in INBOX, one could logout, calling expunge 
a few times, eventually causing my plugin to note that the inbox is empty, then 
our LDA could deliver a message, mark the INBOX not empty, then the other POP 
session could log out, call expunge and cause my plugin to mark the INBOX 
empty, when it's not.

So in summation: how can a plugin be notified of changes to a mailbox, and then 
accurately get the real number of messages in that mailbox? 

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