At  2AM -0800 on 26/11/12 you (/#!/JoePea) wrote:
> Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm new to all this. How can I tell if postfix is
> deferring messages, or if it thinks they've been delieverd? Where is the
> postfix log?

You can tell if a message is still in the queue with 'mailq'. You can
find out why by reading the log. If messages are being deferred they
will eventually start bouncing, once Postfix decides they've spent too
long in the queue.

Postfix normally logs through the 'mail' facility of syslog. 

> How do I feed a message to dovecot-lda manually, as mailman?

Something along the lines of

    sudo -u mailman /usr/lib/dovecot/dovecot-lda -f some@user 
        -d some@user </some/mail/message

as root should work, depending on your sudo setup. Otherwise you will
need to use su, which can be more awkward.

> How do I use LMTP instead of LDA?

Read the wiki for the Dovecot end, and use

    virtual_transport = lmtp:unix:/path/to/lmtp/socket

on the Postfix end. You will want to test the LMTP server is working
manually (with nc -U or something) before trying to get Postfix to
deliver to it.


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