On 27.11.2012, at 15.06, Frerich Raabe wrote:

> Am 11/27/2012 1:53 PM, schrieb Frerich Raabe:
>> I first suspected a client issue so I did a little IMAP session by hand:
> [..]
>> Note how the first 'SEARCH UNSEEN' command shows that '27126' is unseen,
>> the subsequent 'STORE' command succeeds - but then 'SEARCH UNSEEN' still
>> shows 27126 as unseen!
> Sorry, I only now realized that my IMAP session wasn't very useful since the 
> dovecot-acl file didn't allow my user to modify the \Seen flag (it only 
> allowed it for the user which runs the Sieve script filing the mail into the 
> archive [and marking it as seen]) in the first place.
> If I relax the ACL, I can mark the mail as seen myself. I guess that means 
> the question is - why didn't the sieve_before manage to set the flag in all 
> cases.

Difficult to say, but I don't think it's worth debugging with v1.2. Might be 
fixed already in v2.1..

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