On Mon, 17 Dec 2012, Chris Ross wrote:

I've been using UW-IMAPd for neigh on forever (at least since 2001).
But, as it's basically stalled, and I'm about to update the hardware
that is my mail server, I thought it was time to review existing
open-source IMAP servers.  Dovecot is the top three in my looking.

I converted a few years ago and never looked back.

So, am I right that dovecot supports only the "one big full file" mbox
format, and the maildir format? And if so, is it known to allow
multiple simultaneous IMAP clients to access and monitor and/or modify
the same folder simultaneously?

I still run using mbox, and have not had a problem with corruption,
however, this is probably owing to our modest IMAP demand and careful
coordination of file locks among all the different MUAs.  You're better
off with Maildir and other formats, that are better designed for
simultaneous access.  There are other good reasons to switch formats.

Dovecot also supports its own mdbox/sdbox for high performance: its a hybrid
that tries to incorporate the best of both words.

More info


After those questions, it's just a "what do you think the pros and cons
of each are?"

I can't speak to the other software you are looking at, but two factors I
found to be particularly good:

        - flexibility: you can get almost every oddball setup to work.
                Migration from uw-imapd is fairly easy, but then again,
                uw-imapd didn't have a lot of knobs to turn.  Plugins
                are available that extends its functionality.

        - support: this mailing list is great, and Timo is an absolute
                wizard in getting bugs fixed.  (Note: I am shamelessly
                buttering him up so that he fixes the outstanding bug
                I reported!)

Joseph Tam <jtam.h...@gmail.com>

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