Am 10.01.2013 15:30, schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
> On Wed, 9 Jan 2013, Andreas Oster wrote:
>> namespace {
>>  type = private
>>  separator = .
>>  prefix = Archives.
>>  location = maildir:/var/vmail/archive/%Ln/Maildir
>>  subscriptions = yes
>>  list = children
>>  inbox = no
>> }
>> I configured the quota plugin in the following way:
>> plugin {
>>        quota = maildir:User quota:ns=
>>        quota2 = maildir:Archive quota:ns=Archives.
>>        quota_rule = *:storage=1G
>>        quota_rule2 = ns=Archives.:ignore
>> }
>> unfortunately this does not give the desired result. Folders under the
>> Archives namespace use the same quota as INBOX.
> If I understand the Wiki correctly, you need to write:
>         quota2_rule = *:storage=10G
> The "quota2"_rule# settings apply to the "quota2" root by
> namespace. Whereas the "quota"_rule# settings apply to the default, the
> first quota root.
> Regards,
> -- Steffen Kaiser

Hello Steffen,

unfortunately this does not work. when I configure it the way you have
proposed the 10G quote will be assigned to the base namespace (INBOX)
the Archives namespace has no quota assigned.

best regards


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