Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:

> I did a bunch of dsync fixes today in hg. With the new locking
> behavior (and other fixes) you shouldn't be able to break it anymore.

Sorry to say, but I am still able to break replicator with v2.2.beta1
(35194cf0693e) under the conditions outlined below.

> On 2013-02-01 Michael Grimm wrote:
>> This is v2.2.beta1 (78bdcb6642c7) with freshly created mailboxes "test"
>> at both servers "mx1" and "mx2", and replicator uses ssh for remote
>> access. Both servers run a recent postfix, use lmtp for local delivery,
>> and "test" is a virtual user.

I might add that both servers run inside FreeBSD jails (if that might make
the difference to your test setup.

>> All tests are run with vanilla mailboxes, after restarting dovecot, and
>> without imap connections by MUA:

This time I did even restart both service jails before every test. And, I
did use both Mail.app and roundcube as MUA to check the results (if Mail.app
might have screwed INBOX ...)

>> 1) Simultaneous mailbomb approach: run both scripts simultaneously, and
>>   you'll end up with numerous duplicates in mailboxes "test". Very often
>>   you'll find multiples.

Still a lot of duplicates and multiples. Those numbers are not reproducable,
240 (best case) up to 340 (worst case) instead of 200 messages (after 10 
Here is one logfile example of a triplicated mail injected at mx1:

logfile at mx1:
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 postfix/pickup[33958]: 3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng: uid=0 
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 postfix/cleanup[34320]: 3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng: 
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 postfix/qmgr[33959]: 3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng: 
from=<root@mx1.invalid>, size=310, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: lmtp(34456, test): copy from : 
box=INBOX, uid=12, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: lmtp(34456, test): 
nVlIDeDJH1GYhgAAag1aAg: sieve: msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>: stored 
mail into mailbox 'INBOX'
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 postfix/lmtp[34453]: 3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng: 
to=<test@mx1.invalid>, orig_to=<tttttt@mx1.invalid>, 
relay=test.mx1.invalid[private/dovecot-lmtp], delay=0.29, delays=0.08/0/0/0.21, 
dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 <test@mx1.invalid> nVlIDeDJH1GYhgAAag1aAg 
| Feb 16 19:03:12 <mail.info> mx1 postfix/qmgr[33959]: 3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng: removed
| Feb 16 19:03:13 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): copy from INBOX: 
box=INBOX, uid=42, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()
| Feb 16 19:03:13 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): expunge: 
box=INBOX, uid=12, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Recent)
| Feb 16 19:03:16 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): copy from INBOX: 
box=INBOX, uid=164, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()
| Feb 16 19:03:16 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): copy from INBOX: 
box=INBOX, uid=263, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()
| Feb 16 19:03:16 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): expunge: 
box=INBOX, uid=118, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Recent)
| Feb 16 19:03:16 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: dsync-local(test): expunge: 
box=INBOX, uid=42, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Recent)

after reading those three messages at mx1:
| Feb 16 19:04:22 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: imap(test) hQjfUNvVPwBd3Cqw: 
flag_change: box=INBOX, uid=372, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, 
size=544, from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Seen \Recent)
| Feb 16 19:05:40 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: imap(test) hQjfUNvVPwBd3Cqw: 
flag_change: box=INBOX, uid=263, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, 
size=544, from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Seen \Recent)
| Feb 16 19:05:41 <mail.info> mx1 dovecot: imap(test) hQjfUNvVPwBd3Cqw: 
flag_change: box=INBOX, uid=164, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, 
size=544, from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=(\Seen \Recent)

logfile at mx2:
| Feb 16 19:03:13 <mail.info> mx2 dovecot: dsync-local(test): save: box=INBOX, 
uid=50, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()
| Feb 16 19:03:17 <mail.info> mx2 dovecot: dsync-local(test): copy from INBOX: 
box=INBOX, uid=372, msgid=<3Z7fMh1PYMz5Ng@test.mx1.invalid>, size=544, 
from=root@mx1.invalid (admin), flags=()

>> 2) Mailbomb approach: run one script at one server only, and all mails
>>   will become perfectly well synchronised.

Same results here.

>> 3) Modify both scripts to "( $INDEX % 1 == 0 )" to add a second waiting
>>   between every mail injection, and run them simultaneously at both
>>   servers, and you'll end up with significantly less duplicates and no
>>   more multiples.

Same results here.

Good: I cannot find any "Error:" entries in both logfiles any longer.


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