On 27.1.2013, at 22.49, Gedalya <geda...@gedalya.net> wrote:

> I got it working. I know this worked before, I can't specify when it stopped 
> working, but here is the story.
> I have:
> auth_default_realm = domain.com
> in dovecot-sql.conf.ext I had:
> iterate_query = SELECT userid as user, domain FROM email where deleted=0
> Now it's working when I changed it to:
> iterate_query = SELECT concat(userid, '@', domain) as username FROM email 
> where deleted=0

iterate_query = SELECT userid as username, domain FROM email where deleted=0

would have worked too. user = the whole user@domain, while username = without 
domain. I think I'll leave it like this.

> Is this a bug? The wiki clearly says that iterate_query can take the domain 
> in a separate field, yet dovecot seems to ignore the domain field and use 
> auth_default_realm.

The wiki page was partially wrong though, updated.

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