Hi all,

Ok, I have a strange problem after updating both dovecot and openssl...

OpenSSL was 1.0.0j, now updated to 1.0.1c
Dovecot was 2.1.13, now updated to 2.1.15

I'm getting a bunch of lines like the following:

Feb 23 10:48:01 myhost dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 29 secs): user=<>, rip=#.#.#.#, lport=993, TLS handshaking: SSL_accept() syscall failed: Connection reset by peer, session=<In+cO2bWngCthJz2>

where only the session id (and number of seconds for no auth attempts) is different...

This is happening for only the one client. All other clients - I've counted about 25 so far - are working fine.

Anyone have any ideas? I can't believe it is a generic openssl problem, since it is only affecting the one client.

I've contacted him and asked him to reboot any/all devices that connect to our mail to see if that helps...


Best regards,


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