Am 26.02.2013 23:30, schrieb Ben Morrow:
> At 10PM +0100 on 26/02/13 you (Reindl Harald) wrote:
>> Am 26.02.2013 22:41, schrieb Charles Marcus:
>>> Absolutely no idea what you said or meant here...
>> if it is not the same why are doing GnuTLS and OpenSSL
>> finnaly both? HMM - because TLS is SSL3.1 is the reason
>> and in fact due development it was indeed called SSL3.1
>> before someone changed the name to TLS
> Even if punctuation is too much to ask, could you at least *try* to
> write coherent English sentences?

in short for you: TLS === SSL 3.1

could the OP at least read basic documentations is the better question

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