Am 26.02.13 14:48, schrieb Steffen Kaiser:
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2013, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
>> we still have our solid rock dovecot 1.0.7 Redhat el 5.x up and running.
>> We don't need much magic or special setups.
> The configuration has been split up since v1.0, but you can grep through
> the files and find the spots easily. Also, if you didn't changed much in
> v1.0 (that is how I understand your "don't need much magic or special
> setups"), the chances are good, that you'll not change much in v2.1 or
> v2.2.

I'd review the configfiles and especially the great update documentation
from timo. For now we look save.

As far as I remember we just adjusted the mailbox path (mail_location)
and protocols (imaps/pop3s). And we use ssl certificates.

No mysql, sieve or quota etc stuff.

>> However we'd like to think what might be the next step in upgrading our
>> setup. Each user one mbox mailbox. About 500 imap/pop3 accounts, 400GB
>> data.
>> First of all: to what version is a good step from 1.0?
> I would setup a Dovecot v2.2 server, it's RC2, but Dovecot is usually
> more stable than other software ... .
> However, I would install the whole server anew, no automatic upgrade or
> whatsoever.

That's the point :) currently I don't have the hardware and time to
install a new system. So we thought doing a minor upgrade will improve
things a bit and we can get rid of one old bug without getting to much
trouble by doing a very big step ahead.

>> Dose anyone has any experiences in doing such a "big" step forward?
> I have upgraded a v1.0 to v2.1 now. No big deal from Dovecot.

I read something about the index and mailbox/mailstorage formats might
have changed a bit and that dovecot is converting/correcting tham on the

Did you notice something like that?

>> Can we get a rpm from e.g. atrpms repository?
> Ah, OK, then use the most current version available :-) I build Dovecot
> from source.
>> Or should we think of migrating to a total updated Redhat EL 6.x /
>> Dovecot 2.0.x system?
> I don't know Redhat, but it seems to be wise to upgrade. What's the
> "Known Bug List" or "Known Security Holes" in Redhat EL 5.x?

What do you mean by that? BTW it's strange to me that Redhat never
updated the main imap server part in there lon tearm supported
enterprice distribution ... (RH EL 6 comes with dovecot 2.0 ok ... )

        Regards . Götz

Götz Reinicke - IT-Koordinator - Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg GmbH

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