On 28/2/2013 9:25 πμ, Цветков Алексей wrote:

Thus, whoever is interested in a cheap man's fail-over mail cluster
with geographically distributed servers and moderate load, I would
encourage to consider and test replicator/dsync v2.2, now.

On 27/2/2013 11:10 μμ, Timo Sirainen wrote:

dsync was meant exactly for that kind of replication. For a relatively few 
number of users this should work well

Thank you Timo and Alexei for your encouraging info. This is exactly what I was thinking about. We have about 250 mailboxes (most of which are using POP3) with about 4000 outgoing / 8000 incoming mail messages per day. Normal traffic is under 5 mails (total in/out) per minute. IMHO, this sounds like a good case for dsync.

Now, where can I find directions on how to set up dsync/dovecot to work as explained, i.e. with real-time replication (for v2.2)?

Thanks again,

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