On Mar 17, 2013, at 4:50 PM, Robert Schetterer <r...@sys4.de> wrote:

> Am 17.03.2013 21:12, schrieb Larry Stone:
>> Giving complex answers to simple questions creates the impression that the 
>> Dovecot is far more complex than it needs to be.
> "mail" isnt simple in general,

True. But your needs aren't my needs. And while some systems may need a complex 
solution, not every one does.

My mail server is at home serving four users, all family members. Daily mail 
volume is in the hundreds. Have I incorporated every high-performance trick I 
can? Heck, no because I don't need it. My server sits idle most of the day. It 
would be a waste of my time to optimize it. To the extent I have a bottle-neck, 
it's the Internet connection (not all that fast but fast enough).

So for now I keep it simple. Can I do something more complex later? Maybe. If I 
have time, if I think it's worthwhile. Meanwhile, I would never go suggesting 
that the server environment I have with my four users and hundreds of messages 
per day is appropriate for an environment with thousands of users and millions 
of messages per day.
Larry Stone

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