Dear list,

we're using dovecot 2.1.15 (debian binary package). The following
error can be found in the mail log files:

Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<USER>, method=PLAIN, rip=IP, lip=IP, mpid=28663, TLS, session=<In7mV8DYFQCNNQQ4> Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Cached message size smaller than expected (2252 < 4821) Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Maildir filename has wrong S value, renamed the file from /var/vmail/,S=2252:2,RS to /var/vmail/,S=2252:2,RS Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Corrupted index cache file /var/vmail/ Broken physical size for mail UID 25250 Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Cached message size smaller than expected (2252 < 4821) Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Maildir filename has wrong S value, renamed the file from /var/vmail/,S=2252:2,RS to /var/vmail/,S=2252:2,RS Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: Corrupted index cache file /var/vmail/ Broken physical size for mail UID 25250 Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Error: read(/var/vmail/,S=2252:2,RS) failed: Input/output error (FETCH for mailbox INBOX UID 25250) Mar 25 15:08:46 mailserver2 dovecot: imap(USER): Disconnected: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2013-03-25 15:08:46] in=246 out=953

The same problem was reported by Ralf Hildebrandt one year ago. The bug
should be fixed with revision 3599790da3d7 but it seems to be there

Input/output errors of the file system are improbable because all
files are accessible and can be read with cat and less.

Any ideas?

Best regards,
Leiter AG Technische Infrastruktur und Basisdienste
Universitaetsrechenzentrum (URZ)
E.-M.-Arndt-Universitaet Greifswald
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 12
17489 Greifswald

Tel. +49 3834 86-1456
Fax. +49 3834 86-1401

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