On 20 March 2013 10:59, Damien Churchill <dam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 20 March 2013 10:54, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> > On Wed, 2013-03-20 at 10:40 +0000, Damien Churchill wrote:
> >> On 20 March 2013 10:39, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> >> > On Wed, 2013-03-20 at 10:29 +0000, Damien Churchill wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> I've been messing about with this and I think a similar configuration
> >> >> format to the sql dict driver would be handy, although I imagine the
> >> >> same could also be achieved with just lots of uri arguments. Mongo
> >> >> isn't really a key/value store so you'd want to be able to specify
> >> >> fields within the document to query upon/fetch.
> >> >>
> >> >> I'm still getting to grips with the architecture of things so not
> >> >> entirely sure what the best course of action would be here. If using
> >> >> the map style config would be desirable then creating some shared
> >> >> parser that sql and mongodb can use would be good.
> >> >
> >> > I've been planning on having one generic dict sql-like configuration
> for
> >> > all dict backends, so you could map different dict paths to different
> >> > backends. So the idea is good, but probably quite a lot of work.
> >> >
> >>
> >> Would it not be just some bastardised version of dict-sql-settings?
> >
> > I guess you could do that for now. The grand plans of how to put
> > everything nicely together can wait. :)
> >
> For now I think I can get away with just tacking on uri arguments.
> Seems silly duplicating effort, although if you'd like me to give it a
> shot I'm happy to do so!


I've pushed an initial copy of what I've got so far to bitbucket[0]. I'm in
two minds currently about how to correctly handle returning the json object
that the userdb/passdb backend expects. Currently the config file is
copying mostly what dict-sql does:

connect = host=localhost:port=27017:db=mail

map {
    pattern        = shared/passdb/$user
    collection     = users
    username_field = email
    value_field    = password

    fields {
        email = $user

map {
    pattern        = shared/userdb/$user
    collection     = users
    username_field = email
    value_field    = password

    fields {
        email = $user

    values {
        home = /home/vmail
        uid  = 5000
        gid  = 5000

value_field isn't currently used at all, and the values map just provides
some default values that will be replaced if they exist in the returned

The part I'm wondering is how to allow the object you end returning as
flexible as what is currently possible with the sql passdb/userdb queries.
May have to ultimately bite the bullet and accept that it won't be.
Primarily it would be good to be able to concat strings with fields
returned for building the quota rule or something similar. Just wondered
what your thoughts were on this?


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