On 8.4.2013, at 13.42, Heiko Schlichting <doveco...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:

> The checkpassword interface is used in many different ways:
> I found checkpassword the easiest way to implement authentication against
> FreeRADIUS. Using a perl script with
>    $input = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(3, "r");
> and
>    my $output = IO::Handle->new_from_fd(4, "w");
> and skipping the checkpassword-reply binary. This works fine on our server
> for many years now but every time when I read some related questions on the
> list, it seems that a more generic, not so crude interface would be a good
> idea for a future version of dovecot.

For executing scripts/binaries I think checkpassword will stay the only way. 
Other than that, you could talk to Dovecot-auth via UNIX socket by using 
dict-proxy protocol with passdb/userdb dict. Although that way you'd need some 
way to keep your server running and it's not that easy yet to create a new 
Dovecot service without using libdovecot.

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