
I have an "archive" folder in my inbox, where I manually stick old mails into a compressed mbox format. Since upgrading to Dovecot 2.2.1, I've started seeing messages like the following in my log files:

  imap(...): Error: lucene: Failed to sync mailbox INBOX: Mailbox isn't 
  indexer-worker(...): Error: lucene: Failed to sync mailbox INBOX: Mailbox 
isn't selectable
  indexer-worker(...): Error: lucene: Failed to sync mailbox INBOX: Mailbox 
isn't selectable
  indexer-worker(...): Error: lucene: Failed to sync mailbox INBOX: Mailbox 
isn't selectable
  imap(...): Error: indexer failed to index mailbox INBOX/Archive/2007/Sent.gz

These errors *appear* to be mostly benign; I still get results from searching the mailbox. But for whatever reason, the indexer appears to not be working for those folders.

As you can probably tell, I'm using the fts_lucene plugin, which used to work just fine (with Dovecot 2.1.x). Is this expected behavior? Are these errors truly ignorable? Why are these compressed mailboxes not selectable?

Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails, and where any one class is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, neither persons nor property will be safe.
                                                  -- Frederick Douglas

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