On Mon, 2013-05-06 at 02:31 +0200, Benny Pedersen wrote:

> Reindl Harald skrev den 2013-05-06 02:11:
> > and who forces you jumping to 2.2 right now?
> missing good examples on maillist that it works
> > there is also 2.0 and 2.1

2.0 = abysmal
2.1 as of around 2.1.12-ish I deemed dovecot 2.anything, stable and
production ready, it has yet to prove me wrong

> and it will be stable 2.3 ?

The problem with dovecot is, Timo does not release rc's or beta's where
this testing could show the bugs found and ironed out for a _real_
release  this is why it often takes 10 or so point releases for most
bugs to come to light and be fixed. I can assure you, I likely will not
move production to 2.2 until 2.2.some_high_number

> > 1.x does nobody interest since years
> its removed in gentoo, funtoo, freebsd, opensuse, and properly other 
> stupid os's, but why care ?

Indeed, 1.2.x was essentially unbreakable, with only one minor
irritation, but that would only occur maybe once a year and then only
under certain circumstances, most 1.2.x users may never even see it.
There is no reason why 1.2.16 (IIRC the latest) wont be production
quality in another five or more years, unless a system crippling major
mother of all exploits is found in it.

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