On 05/29/2013 01:13 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 29.05.2013 12:41, schrieb Torben Schou Jensen:
>> I can read how to setup older version of dovecot with SquirrelMail.
>> They recommend to use uncrypted IMAP when SquirrelMail is on same server.
>> What I would like to support is then imap, imaps, pop3 and pop3s.
>> imaps and pop3s for external users.
>> imap and pop3 only open for localhost, that is SquirrelMail on same machine.
>> With dovecot 1 you could restrict access using
>> "imap_listen = localhost"
>> How do I make the same restriction with localhost on dovecot 2 ???
> if it listens only on localhost how should "imaps and pop3s for external
> users" work and additionally these days STARTTLS is recommended which
> works on the default ports 110/143
> why do you not simply *offer* encryption *or* use webmail also
> with encryption?

You should use imap with starttls (disable_plaintext_auth=yes) for the
imap service, then use login_trusted_networks=< to allow
webmail logins from localhost without ssl. Webmail doesn't use pop3, so
no changes there.

If you insist on using imaps and/or pop3s, then these can live alongside
the above without problems.


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