On 2013-05-30 2:59 AM, Nick Edwards <nick.z.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:
nobody makes us dovecot true, but dovecot works fine and in perfect harmony with postfix, except this one option. I remember the earlier thread and have been waiting for this option, but now I see Timo has decided to drop the idea after earlier saying it would be beneficial, and seems some people have been waiting for long time for no reason, so maybe time to consider all other options, including server software.

Oh, grow up.

I can see if this was something that was super critical to a functioning - and I agree that it should be fixed to either work as expected (best), or no longer support the ability to add multiple hosts - but it isn't up to me or you.

Just because 'some' people have been waiting for this feature, doesn't mean that it is important to everyone.

Now, if you can provide evidence that a large percentage of people desire this feature and it is important enough to them that they might actually consider switching from dovecot to something else (but what choices do you have, really? I know I have no desire to switch back to courier-imap), then I think Timo may reconsider. In fact, he may already be doing so.

But the bottom line is, there are other ways to achieve this feature, and I think it is plain silly and juvenile to threaten to switch from dovecot just because Timo doesn't agree with you.

Oh - and of course, the very last point...

This *is* open source software. I'd wager an entire months pay that if you coded up a solution and provided a working, properly coded patch (that isn't full of security holes and bad coding practices), Timo would accept/merge it.


Best regards,


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