Karol Jurak <karol.ju...@gmail.com> writes:

> On Thursday 30 of May 2013 10:33:01 Eric Abrahamsen wrote:
>> Does anyone have a recommended way of handling this? Is it possible to
>> either "flatten" the structure further, or somehow tell dovecot to
>> recurse into directories? I don't mind having a separate gnus server
>> for each mail account, but I'd hate to have to do one per mailbox.
> Maybe setting LAYOUT=fs (and possibly DIRNAME) in mail_location could 
> somehow help you?
> More on this settings is here:
> http://wiki2.dovecot.org/MailLocation/Maildir

Thanks for this! I've tried a couple of different things now. With the
original mbsync invocation (a top-level ~/.mail, one subdir per account,
another subdir per mailbox), I tried one of these per account, in gnus:

"/usr/lib/dovecot/imap -o mail_location=maildir:$HOME/.mail/acc1/:LAYOUT=fs"

I get this:

├── acc1
│   ├── cur
│   ├── dovecot.index.log
│   ├── dovecot-uidlist
│   ├── dovecot-uidvalidity
│   ├── dovecot-uidvalidity.51a7e756
│   ├── [Gmail].Drafts
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   ├── [Gmail].Important
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   ├── [Gmail].Sent Mail
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── dovecot.index.cache
│   │   ├── dovecot.index.log
│   │   ├── dovecot-uidlist
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   ├── Inbox
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   │    (the other usual boxes)
│   ├── new
│   └── tmp
(repeat for other accounts, all exactly the same)

So dovecot makes top-level {cur,new,tmp} directories, but there's
nothing in them. In the mailboxes, only [Gmail].Sent Mail seems to be
properly read. Inside Gnus, only Inbox and [Gmail].Sent Mail are listed
as available boxes, and only Sent Mail actually has mail in it. Inbox
reports as empty (though there are plenty of messages in the "cur"

Then I tried changing the dovecot invocations to this:

"/usr/lib/dovecot/imap -o 

So each invocation has the same maildir path, but a different account
name in DIRNAME. That got me this:

├── acc1
│   ├── [Gmail].Drafts
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   ├── [Gmail].Important
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   │    Other boxes
│   └── Inbox
│       ├── cur
│       ├── new
│       └── tmp
├── dovecot.mailbox.log
├── dovecot-uidvalidity
├── dovecot-uidvalidity.51a7eea4
├── acc2
│   ├── [Gmail].Drafts
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   ├── [Gmail].Important
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   │    Other boxes
│   └── Inbox
│       ├── cur
│       ├── new
│       └── tmp
│   ├── acc1
│   │   ├── cur
│   │   ├── dovecot.index.log
│   │   ├── dovecot-uidlist
│   │   ├── new
│   │   └── tmp
│   └── acc2
│       ├── cur
│       ├── dovecot.index.log
│       ├── dovecot-uidlist
│       ├── new
│       └── tmp

Now *only* the INBOX for each account shows up in gnus, but it's still

Sorry for this monster posting, but I feel like this would all line up
properly with the right tweaks, either in mbsync or dovecot -- I just
don't know how. Any further advice would be much appreciated!


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