
I want to use single sign on from Windows with Thunderbird or Outlook using
Which should be placed in the configuration file for passdb?.
Currently I have:

passdb {
  driver = pam

But it generates the following error when trying to check mail:
dovecot: auth: pam (pepe, 190 108 101 120): unknown user
If I remove imap passdb just does not work and I add at the end of this
mail the log.
Thank :)

----------------( dovecot -n  )------------------------------

# 2.0.9: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf
# OS: Linux 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 x86_64 CentOS release 6.4 (Final)
auth_debug = yes
auth_mechanisms = plain login ntlm
auth_use_winbind = yes
auth_username_format = %n
disable_plaintext_auth = no
mbox_write_locks = fcntl
passdb {
  driver = pam
protocols = imap pop3
ssl = no
userdb {
  args = uid=10000 gid=10000 home=/mail/%d/%n
  driver = static

----------------(  wbinfo -t  )------------------------------

checking the trust secret for domain FNR via RPC calls succeeded

----------------(  wbinfo -u  )------------------------------

list all users

----------------(  wbinfo -g  )------------------------------

list all groups

------------(  /usr/bin/ntlm_auth --username=pepe  )---------

NT_STATUS_OK: Success (0x0)

------------(   tail -n 500 -f /var/log/maillog )-------------

Jun 26 14:58:41 prueba-mail dovecot: master: Dovecot v2.0.9 starting up
(core dumps disabled)
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Loading modules from
directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in
configuration file. LOGIN mechanism needs one
Jun 26 14:59:00 prueba-mail dovecot: master: Error: service(auth): command
startup failed, throttling
Jun 26 14:59:35 prueba-mail dovecot: imap-login: Error: Timeout waiting for
handshake from auth server. my pid=1734, input bytes=0
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Loading modules from
directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Debug: Module loaded:
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: auth: Fatal: No passdbs specified in
configuration file. LOGIN mechanism needs one
Jun 26 15:00:00 prueba-mail dovecot: master: Error: service(auth): command
startup failed, throttling
Jun 26 15:00:30 prueba-mail dovecot: imap-login: Error: Timeout waiting for
handshake from auth server. my pid=1734, input bytes=0

Maria José

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