On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 02:20 +0100, Adnane wrote: 

> Jul 23 03:01:34 mailer postfix/anvil[9245]: statistics: max connection 
> rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Jul 23 02:58:13
> Jul 23 03:01:34 mailer postfix/anvil[9245]: statistics: max connection 
> count 1 for (smtp: at Jul 23 02:58:13
> Jul 23 03:01:34 mailer postfix/anvil[9245]: statistics: max cache size 1 
> at Jul 23 02:58:13
> any help plz

anvil logs wont help much, look for your connect from: lines, it should
show your connecting IP, and few lines after it detailing what it is
doing, I suspect you may have the same issues as with dovecot, never
ever ever force ssl on clients unless you know what you (and they) are
doing, and not knowing what version you are using makes it more

Should be using postfix 2.10.1 (the latest)
" smtpd_tls_security_level = may "

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