On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 03:20:47PM +0200, Thomas Leuxner wrote:
> This is probably intended behaviour, just want to make sure that I'm not
> missing a point here. For now the only fix that comes to my mind to create
> "quota aware" aliases - is creating 'dummy' users in Dovecot which point to
> the same mailbox rather than performing aliasing on the Postfix end. Open
> to suggestions...

It depends on your user and/or alias database (i.e. how and where they're

I use LDAP, and configured Dovecot's userdb lookup to handle both "main"
and "alias" addresses, like so:

user_filter = (|(mail=%u)(mailAlternateAddress=%u))

(As far as Dovecot is concerned, there's actually no difference between
"main" and "alias".)

If you store your mailbox and alias information in the same data source
(LDAP, SQL, ...), you should be able to do the same.

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