Le 1 août 2013 à 15:43, Felix Rubio Dalmau a écrit :

> [...]
> Nevertheless, if I remove the segments "'vmail' AS uid, 'vmail' AS gid" and 
> modify the file conf.d/10-mail.conf to show
>       mail_uid = vmail
>       mail_gid = vmail
> I get this error:
>       dovecot: auth: Error: userdb(<mail>): client doesn't have lookup 
> permissions for this user: userdb reply doesn't contain uid (change userdb 
> socket permissions)
> Does anybody know what is wrong in my set-up?

Hello Felix,

Yes and no...
This still remains a bit unclear to me, but you could try something like this:

        service auth {

                unix_listener auth-userdb {

                                        # default: user = $default_internal_user
                        group = vmail   # default: group = 
                        mode = 0660     # default: mode = 0666

The code has some provisions to avoid the auth-userdb to be too widely open, in 
spite of that default mode 0666. Changing that mode short-circuits those 
provisions, and the above is the most secure setting I could think of in the 
case of a single uid/gid setup.


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