>Probably a namespace issue.  The imap daemon is telling you there's not
>new mail.  So wherever it's looking it sees no mail.  So either it's
>looking in the wrong place, and the configuration isn't correct.  Error
>logs will inform you about the latter, 'dovecot -n' about the former.
>Show dovecot client connection and error logging, and dovecot -n.

Hi Stan,

Unfortunatley not.

As demonstrated in my initial post, I can do :


And the debug shows the MUA looking in the same place  (forgot to include the 
Dovecot MUA debug earlier) :

Aug  2 09:01:09 ukc-vm02-mx01 postfix/anvil[2642]: statistics: max connection 
rate 1/60s for (smtp: at Aug  2 08:57:17
Aug  2 09:01:09 ukc-vm02-mx01 postfix/anvil[2642]: statistics: max connection 
count 1 for (smtp: at Aug  2 08:57:17
Aug  2 09:01:09 ukc-vm02-mx01 postfix/anvil[2642]: statistics: max cache size 1 
at Aug  2 08:57:17
Aug  2 09:03:38 ukc-vm02-mx01 dovecot: imap-login: Login: 
user=<t...@ops.example.com>, method=PLAIN, rip=, 
lip=, mpid=2667, TLS
Aug  2 09:03:38 ukc-vm02-mx01 dovecot: imap(t...@ops.example.com): Debug: 
Effective uid=1001, gid=1001, home=/
Aug  2 09:03:38 ukc-vm02-mx01 dovecot: imap(t...@ops.example.com): Debug: 
maildir++: root=/srv/mail/ops.example.com/test, index=, control=, 
inbox=/srv/mail/ops.example.com/test, alt=
Aug  2 09:03:51 ukc-vm02-mx01 dovecot: imap(t...@ops.example.com): 
Disconnected: Logged out bytes=26/599

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