On Fri, 2 Aug 2013 21:45:33 -0600
LuKreme articulated:

> I am trying to get permission to move the server to at least
> FreeBSD8, but I've been trying to get that for ... years.

8.x is okay, but 9.x sucks. I would wait until the 10.x version is
released. By that time they should have gotten the "clang" problems
ironed out as well as those pesky "package" problems. I am still on 8.3
myself. In any case, I would strongly recommend that you do a fresh
install. Format the disk and start over. I hear horror stories about
left over crap from a previous installation that causes massive
headaches. Besides, it gives you a good excuse to update your
applications, like Dovecot.

Just my 2¢

Jerry ♔

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