On 5.8.2013, at 19.56, e-frog <e-f...@gmx.de> wrote:

> On 04.08.2013 15:06, wrote Timo Sirainen:
>> On 3.8.2013, at 14.25, listserv <lists...@xtlv.cn> wrote:
>>> doveadm expunge -A mailbox Trash savedbefore 7d
>>> => kernel: doveadm[11609]: segfault at 10 ip b75f146a sp bf856ad0 error 4 in
>>> libdovecot.so.0.0.0[b7585000+c8000]
>> gdb backtrace would be useful, for example:
>> gdb --args doveadm expunge -A mailbox Trash savedbefore 7d
>> run
>> bt full
> Could this be related to 
> http://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2013-August/091695.html?

Oh, I had accidentally marked that mail as "seen" before fixing. This should 
fix both the crashes:

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